Source code for

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

This modules provides functions to deal with scores stored on the Web server.
Each score is represented as a dict-like object, with the following keys:

    - ``level``
    - ``score``
    - ``user``: user's name
    - ``cause``: the monster's name if the user was killed, the death cause
      if the user died of starvation or hypothermia
    - ``status`` (``str``): ``died``, ``killed``, ``quit``

These keys can be ``None`` (or ``0`` for numerical ones) if the attribute is
not set.

import os.path
import re
import json

[docs]def parse_text(text): """ Parse a score's text and return a dictionnary of attributes: ``level``, ``status``, ``cause``. Only a subset of these attributes might be returned if the text couldn't be parsed or some of them aren't relevant. ``status`` can be either ``killed`` (by a monster), ``quit``, ``died`` (e.g. of starvation) or ``won``. This function should work with multiple text variants. >>> parse_text("killed on level 12 by a quagga.") {'level': 12, 'status': 'killed', 'cause': 'quagga'} >>> parse_text("quit on level 3.") {'level': 3, 'status': 'quit'} >>> parse_text("died of hypothermia on level 6") {'level': 6, 'status': 'died', 'cause': 'hypothermia'} >>> parse_text("killed on level 3 by hypothermia.") {'level': 3, 'status': 'died', 'cause': 'hypothermia'} .. versionadded:: 0.0.7 """ text = text.strip().lower() attrs = {} m = re.match(r'.* on level (\d+).*', text) if m: attrs['level'] = int(m.groups(1)[0]) if text.startswith('quit'): attrs['status'] = 'quit' return attrs m = re.match(r'died of ([a-z]+).*', text) if m: attrs['cause'] = m.groups(1)[0] attrs['status'] = 'died' return attrs if text.startswith('killed '): m = re.match('.* by an? ([a-z]+).*', text) if m: attrs['cause'] = m.groups(1)[0] attrs['status'] = 'killed' return attrs m = re.match('.* by ([a-z]+).*', text) if m: attrs['cause'] = m.groups(1)[0] attrs['status'] = 'died' return attrs if text.startswith('won '): attrs['status'] = 'won' return attrs
[docs]class BadScoreFormatException(Exception): """ This exception is raised when a wrongly formatted score is given to a ``ScoresStore`` instance's ``add`` method. """ def __init__(self, s): Exception.__init__(self, s or 'Unrecognized format: %s' % str(s))
[docs]class Score(object): """ A score. This object implements some dict-like methods to provide an easy access to its attributes. It have at least these ones: ``level``, ``score`` (default: ``0``), ``user``, ``status``, ``cause`` (default: ``None``). .. versionadded:: 0.0.7 """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new score. Any attribute can be added via a keyword argument. """ self.level = self.score = 0 self.user = self.cause = self.status = None self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def __int__(self): return self.score def __eq__(self, o): if not isinstance(o, Score): return False for attr in ('level', 'score', 'user', 'cause', 'status'): if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(o, attr): return False return True def __ne__(self, o): return not self.__eq__(o) def __gt__(self, o): return int(self) > int(o) def __ge__(self, o): return int(self) >= int(o) def __lt__(self, o): return int(self) < int(o) def __le__(self, o): return int(self) <= int(o) def __getitem__(self, k): return self.__dict__[k] def __repr__(self): return 'Score(%s)' % str(self.__dict__)
[docs]class ScoresStore(object): """ A scores store. This is based on a JSON file, but the interface should not depend on the underlying storage method. >>> s = ScoresStore('/tmp/foo') >>> s.add({'user': 'foo', 'level': 42, 'status': 'quit'}) 1 >>> len(s) 1 >>> None .. versionadded:: 0.0.7 """ __slots__ = ['path', 'scores', 'saved'] def __init__(self, path=None, **kwargs): """ Create a new store in the given file path. The file is created if it doesn't exist. If ``path`` is ``None``, the store is not saved on disk. """ self.path = path self.scores = [] self.saved = True if self.path and not os.path.isfile(self.path): dirname = os.path.dirname(self.path) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) else: self._load()
[docs] def json(self, **kwargs): """ Return a JSON representation of this store """ return json.dumps(self.scores, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, **kwargs)
def _load(self): """ Load the store from its path, if it has one """ if not self.path: return with open(self.path) as f: self.scores = json.loads( if len(self.scores) > 0 and isinstance(self.scores[0], list): # support for old format self.scores, scs = [], self.scores self.add(*scs) else: # get Score objects instead of dicts self.scores = list(map(lambda d: Score(**d), self.scores))
[docs] def save(self): """ Save the current scores on disk, if the store's ``path`` is not ``None``. """ if self.path: self.saved = True with open(self.path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.json())
def _insert(self, s): """ Insert a score and return ``True`` if it was inserted or ``False`` if it wasn't because it's already there. """ for i, s1 in enumerate(self.scores): if s == s1: return False if s > s1: self.scores.insert(i, s) break else: self.scores.append(s) self.saved = False return True def _add(self, s, **attrs): """ Add a score. This is an internal function, use ``add`` instead. It returns ``True`` if the score has been added, ``False`` if not. """ attrs.update(dict(s)) user = re.sub(r'\W+', '', attrs.get('user', '')) if not user: return False else: attrs['user'] = user if 'cause' not in attrs and 'text' in attrs: attrs.update(parse_text(attrs['text'])) del attrs['text'] # sanitize the score & level try: attrs['score'] = int(attrs.get('score', 0)) attrs['level'] = int(attrs.get('level', 0)) except: return False if attrs['score'] <= 0 or attrs['level'] < 0: return False # sanitize status, cause, monster for s in ('status', 'cause', 'monster'): if attrs.get(s) is not None: attrs[s] = re.sub(r'[^a-z]+', '', str(attrs[s])) return self._insert(Score(**attrs))
[docs] def add(self, *scs, **kwargs): """ Add one or more scores to the store. These are sanitized before insertion, and missing informations are added via parsing if possible. It returns the number of inserted items. An item is not added if: - it's already present - it doesn't contain basic info on the score, like no user or a null score Keyword arguments can be used to set default values on all added scores. """ ct = 0 for s in scs: # old server format, and format sent by the upload script if not isinstance(s, dict): if (isinstance(s, list) or isinstance(s, tuple)) \ and len(s) == 3: s = {'user': s[0], 'score': s[1], 'text': s[2]} else: raise BadScoreFormatException(s) if self._add(s, **kwargs): ct += 1 return ct
[docs] def get(self, limit): """ Return at most ``limit`` scores """ return self.scores[:limit]
def __iter__(self): for s in self.scores: yield s def __getitem__(self, i): return self.scores[i] def __len__(self): return len(self.scores) def __del__(self): if not self.saved: def __empty__(self): return not self.scores def __repr__(self): return 'ScoresStore(%s)' % str(list(self))