Source code for rogue_scores.scores

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

This module is used to get and parse local user scores.

import re
import subprocess

[docs]def parse_line(l): """ Parse a line from the scores given by Rogue and return a score as a tuple containing the user's name, score, and result. If the line wasn't correct, it returns ``None``. >>> parse_line(' 1 783 baptiste: killed on level 8 by a centaur.') ('baptiste', 783, 'killed on level 8 by a centaur.') """ parts = re.split(r'\s+', str(l).strip(), 3)[1:] if len(parts) != 3: return None parts[1] = re.sub(r':$', '', parts[1]) # username try: return (parts[1], int(parts[0]), parts[2]) except ValueError: return None
[docs]def get_scores(command='rogue'): """ Return a list of local user scores, as given by the command ``rogue -s``. These scores should be ordered from the best score to the worst one, and limited to 10, but this limit is not enforced by the function. Keyword arguments: - ``command`` (``string``, default: ``rogue``): the command to use to run ``rogue``. """ try: p = subprocess.Popen([command, '-s'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: return [] lines = p.stdout.readlines()[2:] return [parse_line(l) for l in lines]